Cameroon – Wildlife Trafficking: Four Persons To Face Court  on Wildlife Charges, this April 26.

Par Kiven B. NSODZEFE | Cameroon-Info.Net
DOUALA - 23-Apr-2019 - 04h33   2341                      
Littoral Wildlife Authorities Arrest Four Suspected Poachers Facebook
The Court of First Instance in Douala, Littoral region is set to judge some four persons on charges against wildlife extinction this April 26, after were arrested last month.

They were found with Ivory and Pangolin scales in the economic capital. Two tons of pangolin scales and about 200kg of Ivory and were said seized as poachers were heading towards Nigeria, as reports earlier reported. If found guilty, the four accused will face up to three years of imprisonment with a possible fine of 10 million FCFA.

One of the accused was said to have used a local telephone ship for his operations, while another death in local spices, ‘djansang' and pepper. The Ivory and pangolin scales were found hidden inside the above spices and were being transported when the squad made the arrest. An immediate search mission took place in some localities around the area, following their arrests.

The Littoral Regional Delegate of Forestry and Wildlife, Francis Durand Nna, called the move a victory won alongside their partners. "To have apprehended individuals who illegally exploit wildlife products is a great victory for us. We were technically assisted by LAGA, a Non Governmental Organisation that has been assisting the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife since 2003,” he said.

Pangolins, are listed among some of the most protected wildlife species. Cameroon, experts say, is host to three different species of pangolins including the black-bellied, the white-bellied and the giant pangolins, all of which were seized from the traffickers. These pangolins as well as many other protected species remain vital to some people, for material and health reasons. Countries such as China use these animals to produce traditional medicine. 

Recently , environmentalists raised concerns about the exposure of some protected species in the crisis-hit North West and South West regions of Cameroon, whereby poachers could easily get into these areas, kill and successful transport these animals by bribing their way through.


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