Cameroun - Crise anglophone/Wilfred Tassang (leader séparatiste proche de Ayuk Tabe): «Kamto est pire que Biya»

Par Fred BIHINA | Cameroon-Info.Net
YAOUNDE - 14-Feb-2020 - 09h54   9150                      
Wilfred Tassang Capture d'ecran
Depuis la prison de Kondengui, Wilfred Tassang a publié un message peu élogieux envers le leader du MRC.

Le courant ne passe pas entre les leaders séparatistes et l’opposant Maurice Kamto.

Tout est parti du refus du président national du MRC de recevoir un groupe d’activistes sécessionnistes le 9 février 2020, à l’occasion d’un rassemblement à Washington DC, aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique.

Depuis ce geste, les séparatistes multiplient des sorties virulentes contre l’agrégé de droit, dont l’ambition clairement affichée est de diriger le Cameroun.

Wilfred Tassang, l’un des leaders sécessionnistes condamnés à la prison à vie aux côtés de Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, a ainsi publié le 12 février 2020, un message dans lequel il tance sans ambages M. Kamto.

 «Kamto est pire que Biya», signale l’auteur, incarcéré à la prison de Yaoundé-Kondengui.

S’il reconnait les qualités de technocrate du champion du MRC, le leader séparatiste demande aux populations originaires des zones anglophones de s’en méfier.

«On pourrait s'attendre à ce que ce ‘‘professeur de droit’’ soit le premier à crier au scandale lorsque la loi, locale ou internationale, est mise à mal par la junte de Yaoundé qu'il veut renverser. Étonnamment, le professeur Kamto, qui est bien formé à l'histoire du Cameroun et est une autorité du droit international, n'acceptera pas la vérité sur l'histoire du Cameroun méridional, pas plus qu'il ne reconnaîtra le droit international à l'autodétermination accordé à chaque peuple», affirme M. Tassang.

Il soutient que Kamto et son équipe n’ont pas dit la vérité à leur sortie de prison au sujet des rapports avec les leaders séparatistes incarcérés.

«48 heures après leur libération de Kondengui, le partenaire et allié du professeur, Albert Dzongang, a déclaré à la télévision que la meilleure chose qui leur soit arrivée en prison était d'avoir établi un ‘‘rapprochement’’ avec les dirigeants ambazoniens en prison, quoi que cela signifie. Pourrait-il y avoir un rapprochement si les deux parties ne se rencontraient pas et ne discutaient pas ? N'est-il donc pas très peu probant que Kamto déclare que lui et son équipe n'ont jamais discuté avec les dirigeants ambazoniens en détention? Pourquoi ment-il?», demande l’auteur du message, qui soutient que l’unique rencontre entre les deux parties s’est déroulée à la demande de Ayuk Tabe.

«Si, avec un parcours académique moins important, Ahidjo, puis Paul Biya, ont pu nous réduire à cela, combien plus ce professeur de droit, plus intelligent, ferait-t-il?», dit-il.

Voici le message, dans sa version originale



Maurice Kamto, Chairman of the CRM party, unfortunate candidate of the 2018 presidential elections of LRC and former inmate of the Prison Principale Kondengui, Yaoundé, is known as one of the best legal minds of his country, and well celebrated around the world and within UN circles for the sharpness of his wit.

For a reminder, this learned professor led LRC's legal representation in the case pitting Nigeria and the former over the Bakassi Peninsula at the ICJ. Cameroun's victory over Nigeria was largely attributed to him. Little wonder that he was rewarded with a junior ministerial portfolio at the Ministry of Justice after that feat.

It is also said to his *credit* that it was under his watch that plans were made to decimate the Common Law system in Cameroun, seeing for a start, the flooding of the *two regions* with francophone *huissiers de justice*, or bailifs, which functions are carried out in our territory by lawyers.

One would expect that this *Professor of Law* would be the first to cry foul when the law, local or international, is rubbished by the Yaoundé junta he wants to unseat. Shockingly, Prof. Kamto who is well schooled on the history of the Cameroons and is an authority of international law, will not accept the truth about the history of the Southern Cameroons, neither will he acknowledge the international right to self determination granted every people. *Is there anything professorial in any man who cannot face the truth, and uphold it?*

48 hours after their release from Kondengui, the professor's partner and ally, Albert Dzongang, declared on TV that the best thing that happened to them in prison was that they established a *rapprochement* with the Ambazonian leadership in jail, whatever that meant. Could there have been a rapprochement if the two parties didn't meet and talk? Is it not therefore very unprofessorial that Kamto would declare that he and his team never discussed with the Ambazonian leaders in detention? Why will he lie?

For the records, the professor lied. I bring this clarification so that those Ambazonians who are falling head over heels to be received by him in the diaspora may know that this man is to be avoided like a flea. It was at the Professor's request and insistence that a team of four, led by Sisiku Julius AyukTabe met with his own team. I don't know why the man of law will lie, but this singular action confirms what Sisiku had told him and his men earlier; *you all are like Paul Biya*, that is, if anyone was in doubt of that.

My opinion about PhDs and Professors who cannot uphold the truth, and especially when they are professor's of law, is that *they are not worth one Amba coin.*
Concerning LRC's Wonderboy, I tell you Ambazonia, run away from him. We have not been able to get Chairman Fru Ndi to endorse the restoration quest, how think us that we can do so with a Kamto? The man doesn't even flatter us, he doesn't think we are worth humouring.

What does Kamto want from Ambazonia? *That we support him unseat Paul Biya so that he can, in turn, further enshrine our servitude, or if you will, *special slave status*.

If with their little education, Ahidjo, and then Paul Biya could reduce us to this, how much more will this most witted professor of Law accomplish? *Not that our case has flaws; there is no loophole in the truth.*

For the icing on the cake, one of ours who visited us in jail here was ready to tell us and in the presence of the horse, Albert Dzongang, that this brother and political ally of Kamto's requested on live TV broadcast that the Yaoundé junta should kill us, (Sisiku AyukTabe and his nine brothers being secretly detained at SED at the time). These are not the kind of people we can fool around with in the name of seeking for sympathisers. Of course we will negotiate with Kamto if he becomes leader of LRC tomorrow, but we should not deceive ourselves; Kamto will be a more formidable adversary than Paul Biya.

*This lying Professor is worse than Paul Biya. Avoid him.*




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