Cameroon – February 9 Twin Elections: Constitutional Council Members Vow To Fight Electoral Irregularities

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
YAOUNDE - 22-Jan-2020 - 03h33   2995                      
Clement Atangana Capture d'ecran
The President of the Constitutional Council, Clement Atangana, says they are determined to uphold their mission which is to guarantee free and fair elections in the 2020 polls.

Clement Atangana made the statement in Yaoundé, January 14, while receiving New Year wishes from his close collaborators.

“… the year 2020 is another election year, we are also preparing to ensure, with determination, the continuation of the mission of guaranteeing the regularity of the ballot,” the President said.

According to him, the ceremony to present New Year wishes to him is special because it accords the Constitutional Council members the opportunity to look back at what has been done and to project into new horizons.

“It is also a time of fraternity to strengthen our ties and help us to face the challenges of the future. The presentation of New Year wishes will also help me to set the course on the projects of the Council for the current year in particular and years to come in general,” he added.

He recalled that in 2019, the dynamism of the Constitutional Council was felt in the activities carried out in the various fields and the management of pre-electoral litigations in the Legislative Elections in particular.

On the building of the Council’s headquarters, the President stated that more will be done with the funds that will be made available.

Earlier, the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court appreciated the President and collaborators for making 2019 a memorable year. He said that 2019 was a busy year for the Council as it continued with the arduous task of setting up its various services and discharging its regular judicial duties.

To him, the Constitutional Council, which is a guarantor of the regularity of Parliamentary Elections, exhibited its legendary experience during the pre-electoral disputes.

During the examination of all the petitions, the principle of adversarial proceedings was applied, which enabled all the parties concerned to plead their cases in full transparency.

“Furthermore, this highly-appreciated way of conducting proceedings confirmed the effectiveness in the consolidation of the rule of Law and democracy in Cameroon,” he said.

The Constitutional Court Scribe acknowledged that there was significant improvement in the working conditions of the Council’s staff because the Council’s officials have been equipped with more offices.


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