Cameroon – Anglophone Crisis: Women’s Task Force alarmed by continuous killing of civilians, say parties must prioritize talks over guns

Par Atia T. AZOHNWI | Cameroon-Info.Net
Bamenda - 14-Jul-2020 - 05h44   1889                      
SNWOT at the Bamenda Municipal Stadium last year Facebook
Members of the South West North West Women Taskforce (SNWOT) say they are alarmed at the upsurge in violence in the conflict-prone regions despite a UN Global call for a ceasefire.

Irked by the killing of a nursing mother on July 3 in Ntarinkon Bamenda, two days after the UN Security Council call for a worldwide ceasefire to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, and the murder of a community health worker on July 10 in Kumba, SNWOT insists that the safety of civilians and their general wellbeing remain a priority to be upheld by all stakeholders involved in the ongoing armed conflict in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon.

“The South West North West Women Taskforce-SNWOT observes with disapproval the continuous killing of the civilian population even after the UN Global call for a ceasefire,” the women said in a statement yesterday.

They say they have been following keenly the actions of parties to the conflict towards a possible peace negotiation and would like to “encourage all parties to prioritize talks over guns”.

SNWOT says they are aware that recovery is an integral part of a peace process but based on their analysis of the current situation in the conflict-prone regions, and the Government’s decision to start recovery, they proposed as follows:

“The increasing humanitarian needs have greatly collapsed the communities and continues to have a negative impact on vulnerable groups. As a result, responding to this bad situation is primordial. This will ensure the recovery of communities and enhance the support and contributions of the population to any further moves towards peace.

“Parties in conflict should immediately stop smoking the guns and respect the call for a ceasefire. This will provide an enabling environment for recovery and mutual understanding towards a peace negotiation.

“We recognize at this point that Recovery is crucial; as it would help the masses get the much-needed humanitarian assistance. We, therefore, pinpoint this as a common priority to parties in conflict to relieve the suffering masses.

“Lastly, we urge parties to observe a mutually respected ceasefire through a negotiated settlement. We call on all parties to realize that reconstruction, which is physical, systemic, and structural, and will be highly beneficial if it is supported and approved, by all parties in conflict.”


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