Cameroon – Insecurity in Schools: Another Student Wounded in Douala.

Par Kiven B. NSODZEFE | Cameroon-Info.Net
DOUALA - 17-Apr-2019 - 15h31   21954                      
Lycee deido archives
A student (whose name we are yet to get), is currently in a critical situation at a hospital in Bonassama Douala, after sustaining a wound on the forehead from an attack by his school mate.

The incident occurred in Government Bilingual High School, GBHS Bonaberi, is said to have occurred this Tuesday, 16th April 2019, at the school campus, where his attacker, hit his forehead with an old plank. Unfortunately, a rusted nail was on the piece of wood, and it entered the victim’s forehead.

School authorities are yet to comment on the incident, as the student struggles for his life at the public hospital in Bonassama.

This incident comes few hours after schools resumed for the shortest and decisive term of the academic year 2018/2019. Monday's reopening was exploited by the Governor of Littoral, Ivaha Diboua along with his collaborators, to check security measures taken in schools across Douala, in order to prevent an incident of murder like that of GBHS Deido.

Few weeks ago, a student was stabbed to death by a former student, which sparked an outcry on social media for schools to be better secured and some actors punished. The Minister of Secondary Education, Dr. Nalova Lyonga, recently visited the school and the family of the deceased, while promising to hold collaborators check security measures in schools, in order to avoid future attacks



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